artist | author | entrepreneur | creative

New Substack alert

This is a long time coming. I have a lot to say and community is more important than ever. I've been committed to being a light in times of darkness and uncertainty. Subscribe to 'transparent & unusually good' on Substack or through signing up for my newsletter here.

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Kickstarter MAKE 100

In honor of the Kickstarter Make 100 open call I'm launching a small project inspired by The Simpsons, tarot, unprecedented times and a sense of humor. IYKYK. Limited to 100 enamel pins.


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Tumblr in 2025

The last time I posted on Tumblr was 10 years ago. Since social media seems to be going through an identity crisis I remembered how care-free posting on Tumblr used to be. No pressure, no analytics, no performance. I have a lot to say and share, so I'm back. I plan share more about my creation process, inspiration, positivity and whatever else comes to mind. If you want to follow along, check the link below.

Tumblr Blog